Thursday, 19 September 2019

This Knee T Shellz Works Great Over Many Areas Of The Body - My Review

As Pam from Colorado quickly found out, suffering from a knee issue can lead to aches and pains elsewhere on the body. When we here at MendMeShop decided on the Knee T Shellz Wrap, we had versatility at the top of our mind. We wanted a knee treatment device that could not only treat the knee, but also treat overcompensation pains affecting areas such as the hamstring, illiotibial band, calf muscle, and more. We believe we accomplished this in a big way.

"I have been using the T Shellz wrap on my knee AND the sciatica I have in my glutes. My pain is significantly less in my knee and I am close to having no sciatica! I'm so happy and can hardly believe that I'm almost pain free!!!"

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Leg Arm T Shellz Wrap Review - The Best Option I Have Tried

We here at MendMeShop are always proponents of active movements and the incorporation of various modalities to help overcome muscle and soft tissue injuries.

In the case of Sue, she found the Leg T Shellz Wrap really brought an accelerated rate to her healing and she was very pleased with the results. We couldn't be happier that Sue provided an outstanding review of her experience with the Leg T Shellz Wrap.

"Your T Shellz wrap has helped my left leg when nothing else helped for an entire year." 

"The physical therapist gave me exercises which made the muscles tighter and more painful. The lateral muscles were very, very tight and painful from hip to ankle, and this made for significant knee pain when walking. Even though the pain and tightness is nearly gone, it comes back after exercise, so I'm continuing to use the T-Shellz."

Sue from California